Communication strategy is an integral part of the planning process for successful achievement of the key deliverables and is assumed to be capable of making required changes and multiplying the impacts of any programme/ project/ scheme. A communication strategy comprises methods, messages and approaches which are directed towards achieving the objectives of any programme/ project/ scheme for benefitting the target beneficiaries. The effective communication strategy also needs a constant flow of information for achieving meaningful participation of the project beneficiaries and other stakeholders. Beneficiaries of scaling up of SLEM practices under the ESIP include 5000 land users adopting the SLEM practices, 25,000 direct beneficiaries comprising forest dwellers, small landholders, marginal farmers, and landless livestock holders at the community level in the states of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. For achieving the targets pertaining to scaling up of SLEM practices, constant flow of information, communication and education are required. This depends upon implementation of an effective communication strategy for scaling up of the SLEM practices for improving ecosystem services and for addressing the issue of poverty alleviation through promoting enhanced efficiency of natural resource use, sustainable productivity, and reduced vulnerability to extreme weather events. Communication strategy helped in involving local communities, developing a sense of belongingness, behavioural change, resource planning and mobilization, participatory monitoring and evaluation for scaling up of SLEM practices. The objective of the SLEM communication strategy is to facilitate knowledge and experience sharing, dissemination of knowledge on best practices and success stories for scaling up of SLEM in the ESIP areas of Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh.