Project Management

The MoEFCC has selected ICFRE as Technical Partners for its implementation. It will have Procurement-cum-Financial management, Establishment consultant, State Coordinating Consultant and Secretrial Assistants to look after project management activities. It will ensure following aspects:

  1. Safeguards : It includes the applicable safeguard policies relate to environmental assessment, natural habitats, forestry, indigenous peoples.

  2. Procurement : All procurement of goods, works and non-consulting works will be done in accordance with Guidelines: Procurement of Goods, Works and Non-Consulting Services under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers.

  3. Financial Management : MoEFCC will be responsible for the overall financial management arrangements under the project, and in ensuring that the arrangements for budgeting, accounting, reporting, funds flow, internal controls and audits are satisfactory and are carried out in line with the project documents. The FM functions will be carried out through the PMU that will be established as the nodal agency of MoEFCC.

  4. Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E): Its objective is to facilitate result-based management and provide the basis for evidence-based decision-making processes. The M&E system is also intended to enhance learning on adaptive management during implementation because of the considerable uncertainties involved in community-based interventions that require a constant experimentation and learning approach. M&E will be the responsibility of the PMU within the MoEFCC. The PMU will undertake monitoring & evaluation in coordination with the respective State Forest Departments. Each implementing agency will regularly collect data against the monitoring indicators as defined in the Results Framework & Monitoring (RFM) and GEF tracking tool, and submit them to the PMU through an online platform.

  5. Project Costs: The total project cost is divided amongst components and by agencies. Costs are also segregated by type of expenditures.