National Focal Point to UNCCD submit the national report periodically to the UNCCD Secretariat through online PRAIS portal. The National Reports provide information on progress indicators or other indicators agreed by Conference of Parties of UNCCD. The main objective for developing online National Reporting Database Portal (NRDP) is to capture trends and status of key progress indicators and other indicators related to implementation of the objectives of UNCCD 2018–2030 Strategic Framework and land degradation and desertification at state levels and further preparation of a consolidated national report for submission to the UNCCD Secretariat through PRAIS portal. The national reporting database portal will work as a repository of information related to implementation of the Convention as well as documentation of the best practices on sustainable land management (SLEM). This will help in increasing national capacity for monitoring the status of land degradation and desertification and SLEM outcomes, as well as the results of UNCCD action programs at the country level. The data input would be collected at the state level and local level which would be further consolidated at the national level through using NRDP portal. NRDP portal would be helpful to the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change and other stakeholders for providing necessary inputs for preparation of national report to UNCCD Secretariat.The database generated through NRDP will be used by number of stakeholders including various central Ministries/State Governments/Departments/Science and Technology Institutions, NGOs and others.