Environmental and Social Safeguards

Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) document of the ESIP includes the measure to avoid, minimize or mitigate any adverse environmental and social impacts emanating from the implementation of project activities. Due care of following mitigation actions has been taken for addressing/ respecting the environmental and social safeguards while implementing the project activities in the states of CG and MP:

1.  Follow zonation approach while restoration of CPR/pasture lands
2.  Involve users in planning, restoring and managing CPR

S. No. Potential risk/impact Mitigation actions
1. Use of exotic and non-native species for plantation/ restoration of forests and CPR – impacts on biodiversity of indigenous species 1.  Only use indigenous and native species with multipurpose       benefits for up-scaling of SLEM best practices
2.  List available exotics and non-native species
2. Use of agro-chemicals against pests and weeds – impacts on ground water, surface water and soil 1.  Promote use of bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides

2.  No procurement of banned Class I, Class II A and Class II B      pesticides

3.  Promote Integrated Pest Management on private farmlands

3. Increased grazing pressure in other areas due to displacement of cattle/ livestock from pastures/CPR undergoing restoration 1.  Identify alternative areas for grazing before restoration of          existing one in use
2.  Follow zonation approach while restoration of CPR/pasture      lands
3.   Involve users in planning, restoring and managing CPR
4. Low participation of vulnerable and backward classes (SC/ST/OBC) and women 1.  Develop and extensively use IEC material for mobilizing            vulnerable, backward and women beneficiaries

2.  Set local minimum thresholds (upward of 70%) for inclusion of      vulnerable, backward and women beneficiaries in project      activities

5. No alternatives for landless livestock owners for fodder/ grazing during restoration of common property resources (CPR) 1.  Create list of CPR users

2.  Ensure convergence for alternative employment/ income for      landless livestock owners during CPR restoration

3.  Use zonation approach for restoration and leaves some areas      for use

4.  Agree schedule in Gram Panchayat and involve actual users in      restoration of CPR

6. Selective use of project provisions, especially use of NTFP sustainable harvest protocols and value addition provision 1.  Protocols to be developed in association with users and forest      dwellers

2.  Adequate training to dependents on use of protocols

3.  Use civil society as interface